Apple iOS
Android OS
BlackBerry OS
All Guitar Chords
The Ultimate Guitar Chord Chart. This handy app includes over 3000 of the most commonly used guitar chords
All Guitar Scales
Everything you ever wanted to know about guitar scales, but were afraid to ask! Learn to use the entire fretboard with this guitar scale reference!
Birthday Messages
Over 2000 birthday messages to personalize your birthday cards. No internet required to view all messages
Cool Tip Calculator
Attractive design, large keys for number entries, large easy-to-read text and numbers. Intuitive interface, easy to use
Funny Adult Dirty Jokes
Here is a collection of funny adult dirty jokes. Go through them and select the ones you find naughty enough to send them to ur friends and have fun
Guitarist's Reference
ALL-IN-ONE Package: Guitar Chords, Scales, Triads, Arpeggios, Reverse Chord Finder, Chord Quiz, Alternate Tunings and relationships.
Sexy Hangman
This is the classic hangman word-guessing game. Play and try to get the full Sexy Girl or Sexy Guy photos.
Super Hangman
Super Hangman Pro challenges the user with over 16800 words in a fun way of studying for the SAT, GRE, TOEFL, GMAT vocabulary test.
Sweet Cards Messages
Finding the right words, perfect phrases to personalize your greeting cards (or send SMS/Email these messages to your friends, family)
Words Of Wisdom
Words Of Wisdom is an app worth having, reading and giving to others. Open the app and you will discover the secrets of life.
Copyright (C) 2011 My App Catalog LLC. All apps created by Khoi Hong
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