Spot Them Quick
Advanced HTML Email
Don't send a plain, boring email messages from your TouchPad! This app will let you send fully customized text with fun animated emoticons
Cool Tip Calculator
Attractive design, large keys for number entries, large easy-to-read text and numbers. Intuitive interface, easy to use
Funny Adult Dirty SMS
Here is a collection of funny adult dirty jokes. Go through them and select the ones you find naughty enough to send them to ur friends and have fun
Game Chess Clock
This app keeps accurate time and supports 7 time controls so it can be used for most two player board games
Greeting Card Messages
Finding the right words, perfect phrases to personalize your greeting cards (or send SMS/Email these messages to your friends, family)
Guitarist's Reference
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SMS MMS Email Emoticons
Having fun to send MMS/Email 5000 emoticons. Rich text editor with email statinery will let you create a beautiful email messages
Spot The Difference
Can you spot what's different? Analyze two similar images and spot 5 differences before time's up.
Spot Them Quick
The photo on your left has 5 missing pieces, you need to find them all by tapping the pieces you see on your right.
Super Hangman
Super Hangman Pro challenges the user with over 16800 words in a fun way of studying for the SAT, GRE, TOEFL, GMAT vocabulary test.
Words Of Wisdom
Words Of Wisdom is an app worth having, reading and giving to others. Open the app and you will discover the secrets of life.
Yo Mama Jokes
Enjoy the best and most original Yo Mama jokes at your fingertips. Total 500 jokes in 5 category: Yo Mama is so Fat, Old, Poor, Stupid, Ugly.
Spot Them Quick for TouchPad WebOS Tablet
Click here to download the Spot Them Quick for Pre, Pixi, Veer Smartphones

Click here to download the Spot Them Quick for TouchPad WebOS Tablet

Identify and tap 5 missing pieces of a picture before the clock runs out. The photo on your left has 5 missing pieces, you need to spot them quick by tapping the pieces you see on your right.


- Over 150 levels in 3 categories General, People and Halloween
- Global Leader Board
- 3 Hints are provided per game to help you find a missing spot. Try to save Hints for as long as possible because extra Hint Bonus points are awarded for each unused Hint everytime you go to the next level.
- Timer gets faster for each wrong spots made, or on completion of each level
- You will have more points if you play fast and keep 3 hints alive as long as you can.
- Superb graphics and friendly user interface
TouchPad Screenshots
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Copyright (C) 2011 My App Catalog LLC. All apps created by Khoi Hong
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